Trademark Registration
SERVICES / Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration
At Bronco Partners, we recognize the significance of safeguarding your intellectual property rights through trademark registration. Our expert team helps businesses navigate the trademark registration process in the UAE, ensuring that your brand is legally protected from infringement.
- Trademark Search: Before starting the registration process, we conduct thorough trademark searches to ensure your proposed trademark is unique and does not conflict with existing trademarks. This step helps reduce the risk of potential issues or rejections during the registration process.
- Application Preparation: Our team prepares all necessary documents and forms for trademark registration, including the application to be submitted to the relevant authorities. We ensure that the application accurately represents your trademark and the goods or services it covers.
- Submission and Follow-Up: We manage the submission of your trademark application to the appropriate authorities, such as the UAE Ministry of Economy or other trademark offices. Our team diligently tracks the progress of your application and responds to any inquiries or requests for further information from the authorities.
- Examination and Publication: After submission, your trademark application is examined by the authorities to verify its compliance with registration standards. Once approved, the trademark is published in the official gazette for potential opposition.
- Registration and Certificate Issuance: After successfully completing the examination process and resolving any opposition, your trademark is officially registered, and a registration certificate is issued. This certificate serves as legal proof of your trademark rights in the UAE.
Get In touch
+971 50 285 1618
Address: Business Village Block A Building, Office 626